Kafue ANC Eco/HC (Tav.Vald.)

2018 - 7° Report Eco

KDHMT-AOSCF twinning by VPM 281 OPM Proj
Co-funded by Tavola Valdese

The five day training in Chanyanya Referral Health Centre was well received by the staff working at the rural clinic; we had 4 participants, 2 midwife, clinical officer and 2 registered nurses. We had 3 sessions of theory and two sessions of clinical practice on the days they have antenatal bookings and reviews. The objective of the training was to ensure that the participants are able to identify the components of screening ultrasound, perform screening ultrasound accurately, and identify complicated pregnancies and to appropriately refer complicated pregnancies to the referral facility.
During the training's days we had visited a total of 18 obstetric patients: 2 gynaecological extra-uterine cases, others 3 complicated cases mal-presentation, breech at 37 weeks, a twin pregnancy at 34 weeks and an inevitable abortion at 7 weeks. All the complicated cases were referred in time thanks to the Ultrasound ANC diagnosis, to the District Hospital.

The training was successful, after the training the clinical officer and the nurses were able to;

  • Make patients safe and comfortable during the examination.
  • Care for and secure the ultrasound equipment.
  • Observe infection control measures.
  • Understand basic ultrasound physics.
  • Optimize the ultrasound image.
  • Respond to gender identification questions.
  • Understand echogenicity and solid/cystic tissue types.
  • Identify normal maternal and foetal anatomy.
  • Determine foetal number and position.
  • Determine the gestational age of the foetus.
  • Identify low-‐lying placenta and placenta previa.
  • Measure amnionic fluid volume using the two methods.
  • Measure cervical length and asses if the cervix is open
  • Perform a biophysical profile
  • Make appropriate referrals to the hospital for care.


  1. The trainer to continue monthly visits, to give the staff technical support
  2. The facility to keep a register and  give a monthly report of on the number of patients seen and complications

Thanks to our Italian cooperation collaborators! The Kafue District Management Team - Kafue 2018/08/02 - Zambia

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